miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011

Bibliografía recomendada


Alice A. Bailey, y Dwal Kuhl (obras Completas) Ed. Lucis., Londres.

Upanishads. (Nadabindu Upanishad- Online edition translated by K Narayanasvami Aiyar.


Swami Sivananda, Nada Yoga. The Divine Life Society. India, 2000.

Kumar Parvathi Kumar, Sound, Ed Dhanishta, Barcelona.

Shyamji Bhatnagar, Cassettes de Meditación. Innertuning, Prana Calendar, Pensylvania.

Jorge Carvajal, (obras completas, transcripciones de seminarios).

Thomas A. Farrand, El Poder Curativo de los Mantras, Selector, México.

Alfred Tomatis, L‘oreille et la voix, Ed Robert Laffont, Paris 1987.

Joscelyn Goldwind, Harmonies of Heaven and Hell, Inner Traditions, Rochester 1987. The Mystery of the Seven Vowels, Planes Press, 1991.

Lauterwasser, A., Wasserklang Bilder, Ed AT Verlag, München 2003.

Masaru Emoto, Wasserkristalle, Ed Koha, Burggrain 2000.

Hans Cousto, Die Kosmische Oktave, Ed Synthesis, München, 1984.

Die Oktave, Ed Simon und Leutner, Berlin 1987 .

Zachary Lansdowne, the Chakras and esoteric Healing, Ed Samuel Weiser, 1987.

Roberto Laneri, La Voce dell‘arcobaleno, Ed Il Punto d‘incontro, 2002, Vicenza.

Jonathan Goldmann, Sonidos que Sanan,Luciérnaga, Barcelona, 1996.

Shifting Frequencies, Ligth technologies publishing, 1998.

Joachim Ernst Behrendt, The world is sound, Nada Brahma, Ed Destiny, Rochester, 1987.

Das Ohr ist der Weg, ed Zweitausendeins, Frankfurt, 1997.

Il Terzo Orecchio, Ed Red, Como 1999.

Serge Wilfart, Encuentra tu propia voz, Ed Urano, Barcelona.

L´esprit du chant, Albin Michel, Paris, 2002.

Mitchell Gaynor, The healing power of Sonud, Shambala, Boston, 2002.

Phillippe Barraqué, La guérison harmonique, Jouvence, Geneve, 2004.

Juliette Alvin, Musicoterapia, Ed Paidos, Barcelona, 1984.

Rolando Benenzon, Manual de Musicoterapia, Paidos, Barcelona 1992.

Betés de Toro, Fundamentos de Musicoterapia, Morata, Madrid, 2000.

Olivea Dewhurst, El Libro de la Terapia del Sonido EDAF 1993 Madrid.

Bence-Mereaux. La Musique pour Guerir, Van de Velde, France 1988.

Stanislav Grof, The Holotropic Mind,Harper Collins 1993, San Francisco.

Fabre de Olivet, The secret lore of Music, Inner Traditions, Rochester, 1987.

Joy Gardner, The Healing Voice, The Crossing Press, California, 1993.

David Reck, Musik der Welt, Ed Zweitausendeins, Reutlingen, 2000.

Don Campbell, El efecto Mozart,

Music and Miracles, Theosophical Publishing London 1992.

Harald Knauss, Klänge für die Seele, Ed VAK, Freiburg, 2000.

Theo Gimbel, Form, Sound and Healing, Safron Walden, Essex, 1987.

Randall McClellan, Musica per Guarire, Ed Riuniti, Roma 2002.

Karl Adamek, Il Potere della Voce, Ed Red, Como, 1989.

Phillippe Barraqué, Il Canto Degli Spiriti, Ed Il punto d‘incontro, 2002, Vicenza.

Viaggi Nella Voce, Ed Il punto d‘incontro, 2002, Vicenza.

Torkom Saraydarian, New Dimensions in Healing, TSG Publishing Fund, 1992.